Liang vs People

Courts cannot blindly adhere and take on its face the communication from the DFA that petitioner…

Filipinas Life vs Pedroso

The principal is responsible for the acts of its agent done within the scope of its…

Pleasantville vs CA

The rule is that the principal is responsible for the acts of the agent, done within…

The Corfu Channel case

the Court draws the conclusion that the laying of the minefield could not have been accomplished…

Republic vs Evangelista

A contract of agency is generally revocable as it is a personal contract of representation based…

The Morality of Human Acts

Morality is used to refer to what we would call moral standards and moral conduct while…

Kinds of Law by Thomas Aquinas

aw is a rule and measure of acts, whereby man is induced to act or is…

On Human Freedom

There are conceptions of will and freedom in accordance to St. Thomas and St. Augustine.

Good and Happiness

• Our view of happiness is more than anything else seems complete without reservation, since we…


Moral virtue comes about as a result of habit, whence also its name (ethile) is one…